Thursday, March 18, 2010

a little happy, a little sad, a little disappointed...

Nutty had her very first day of swimming lessons yesterday.  
I am happy because she absolutely LOVED them and can't wait to go again.
I am sad because she just (pardon the pun) jumped right in and did it.
She wasn't scared and she didn't need me to reassure her that everything would be ok.
She's becoming more independant.
I am disappointed because my pictures of this milestone event did not turn out ANYTHING like I thought they would!
I had my camera set to action mode since everyone was moving around so much.
I tried the flash for some pictures and not for others since on my view finder the pictures with the flash looked funny.  My camera did NOT warn me of camera shake with the flash off.
The ones without the flash turned out a hair blurry even though my camera was on action mode and my camera thought there was enough light.
The colors are nothing like I hoped they'd be. The pictures themselves are not good angles, or again, what I hoped they'd be.  
Guess I'll have to try some different things next week. 
I was just hoping that I could get some really good pictures of Nutty's first time swimming.

*I did edit most of these photos.  I improved the colors on some, sharpened others, and did both to a few.

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Your mom said...

Disappointed with photos is the story of my photo life. These look cute even if they aren't exactly what you hoped for!

Unknown said...

will you stop that child from growing up already! goodness gracious. so sweet!

Julie said...

Awww...I think they are great.

Mindi said...

How fun! My kids are looking forward to the Summer! They are little fish!!

Michelle said...

I think the pictures are cute, but I know it's frustrating when they don't turn out the way they look in your head. The important thing is that you documented the occasion & I'm sure when your daughter is older, she won't notice that the color or angle isn't quite right! :)

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

I can relate. I think taking photos of kids swimming is especially difficult.

But I think your photos are great and you did capture the moment. Don't worry about it.

Laura said...

I think the photos look great! I especially like the third one...

You could still change the angles up by cropping. I use Lightroom, so I'm not familiar with other programs, but I'm sure that they include an option to crop/rotate...

Lula Lola said...

Do you have a "beach" mode on your camera? I've tried that and in makes the blues really vivid. I get that blur too without the flash. Wish I could figure that out!
Looks like she did great though!

Jamie H said...

Lula, I don't have a beach mode on my camera but I think next week I'll try changing my color effects on my camera to "vivid" and see if that helps.

Rachel said...

Looks like fun! hopefully she'll be a tadpole before summer hits! I need to sign our kids up pretty soon! I want them to be at least able to doggy paddle this summer

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