Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Camera and I

Digital Photography School had an assignment to capture pictures of yourself with your camera.  I thought it would be fun to join in the challenge.  I did not, however, want to take the regular, boring picture of myself in the mirror with my face half covered by my camera like I did here.  I wanted to do something unique like the self portrait picture in this post.  Here are my favorite shots:
What do you think?

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Jessica Stier said...

I love them all! The last one if my favorite. What is that a reflection in?

Jessica Stier said...

These are great! I love the creativity. The last one is my favorite. What's that reflection on?

Jamie H said...

The last picture is a hand-held mirror on the floor. I leaned over and took the picture into it :)

Heather said...

Cool shots!

Ashley said...

I like the last one as well! Although at first I thought it looked like a reflection in a toilet bowl! But much too clear for that!

Becca said...

I was going to ask the same thing about the last one. My first thought was that it was your reflection in a toilet bowl. I thought "How creative!" - the mirror is creative, too. These are great :)

Jamie H said...

Ok, too funny that two of you thought the last one was a toilet bowl! To be honest, I tried to get my reflection in the bathtub but I couldn't get it to be reflective enough.

gtyyup said...

Hi there...found you through the Flickr Canon Powershot SX20 I S group. I've got the same camera and hope to get some tips from you! I'm still envious of the DSLR cameras, but just can't afford to go that route, so this camera will have to do. Besides, I'm sure taking a DSLR in my saddle bag would work!

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