Thursday, October 28, 2010

1 Year Bloggerversary!!

One year ago today I sat down at my computer and started a blog.  It's not the first blog I had ever started.  I had kept two private pregnancy and first year blogs for my daughters, and I had a blog for my home-party based business.  However, I wanted a blog I could have fun with, a blog I could socialize with, and I blog I could advertise on.  I knew from being on blogging networks that it would be better if I had a niche.  What were my interests and how was I going to stand out from everyone else with the same interest?  After some soul searching and blog research, Mommy's Camera was born.  My very first post and more info on why I started Mommy's Camera can be found HERE!

Mommy‘s Camera

I am amazed at how much I've grown as both as blogger and a photographer over the last year!  As a blogger, I have mastered changing my layout and a lot of other technical stuff that goes along with personalization, I have learned to really stick with my niche, and I am learning to balance family time with computer time.  I have grown to 133 (known) followers, and I have started my own Mommy's Camera Community and Facebook Fan Page so I can interact better with my readers. 

Try Something New Tuesdays

I've got my own once-monthly meme (next post Tuesday, November 2nd) which is struggling but I'm hoping will take off sometime soon.

Blogger the frog

I've even had a failed attempt at a traveling frog.  Click HERE to see more about him.  Maybe I'll get him going again in the future....

As a photographer I've made great progress but I still have a ton to learn!  I rarely shoot in Auto mode any more!  I mainly shoot in Program mode and am learning to step out into the other modes.  I'm also learning to tweek my camera settings to get better SOOC (or straight out of camera) photos.  I'm very much trying to find my editing style and I struggle with over editing vs under editing.  I continue to grow and enjoy learning with my readers and from my readers every day!

Happy 1 Year Bloggerversary to me!

P.S. Scroll down a post to see my participation in a Before and After Bog Hop!

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Ashley said...

Happy Blogiversary, Jamie! It's been a great year!

Ashley said...

Congrats! One year is an accomplishment! And you've done a great job finding a niche!

Your mom said...

Happy bloggerversary!

Unknown said...

Congrats to You!

Heather said...

Happy one year! I'm so glad I had found your blog. :)

Pitterle Postings said...

Happy Blogging!! I hope to be where you are when my first year is complete. I have already learned so much more than I thought I would.

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