Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I "caught" Santa!

My girls (age 2 & 4) are fully aware that Christmas is really about Jesus and his birth and that Santa is just an extra perk.  I do, however, think it's fun to play Santa up just a little. 

This year I happened across this website.  You send in a photo of your christmas tree area and they put Santa in the room.  I thought it was a super cute idea but not worth the $9.99 you have to pay for the picture.  Then I thought, "hummm....I can do this myself!"  And so I did!


I took a photo of our living room, Googled images of Santa, then photo edited him into the photo of our living room!  I'm not sure if I got the proportions quite right but my girls won't know the difference.

Christmas Eve night we will put my camera up in the living room on a tripod and we'll "catch" Santa as he delivers presents to our house!  Can't wait to see my girls reaction!

What have you done to play Santa up to your kids?  Comment here or visit the discussion in my community below:

This year I decided to "catch" Santa with my camera!
My kids fully know that Christmas is really about Jesus and his birth and that Santa is someone extra but I think it's fun to play him up anyway.
What have you done to play Santa up?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a neat idea! Very cute!

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