Sunday, January 10, 2010

Getting To Know You

I finally decided to join my friend Keely's Getting To Know You meme.

To play along yourself, visit Keely's blog, copy, paste, and answer the questions, then link up in the MckLinky!  Easy, peasy!

Here's my answers:
1. If you were stranded on a desert island and could pick one person to be stranded with you..Who would you pick? Family members not included.

I would have to agree with Keely on this one--Bear Grylls.  Honestly, I am not copping out on this one and copying Keely.  I thought of Bear before I read Keely's answers!  Honestly, I did!  Probably because Hubby and I were watching him before bed last night.  Only problem is, I don't think I could eat what he eats.  Maybe if I were starving....   

2. Do you read celebrity gossip?
Not really.  Who cares?  That's my opinion.  I will read a gossip magazine at work if I'm bored and everyone's talking about it but I don't really care.

3. Favorite show you're waching this season?
Grey's Anatomy.  Can't wait till the new episodes start again!

4. How tall are you?
5' 2.5'' (I'm proud of that .5"!  I'm not 5' 2", but not quite 5' 3" so I'm proud of that .5"!)

5. What was the last book you read?
Green Eggs and Ham to my girls last night :)  If you are looking for a book I read to myself, it would be my camera manual.  Oh, wait, you want a real book?  Ok, then My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.

6. Flats or heels?
Barefoot!  I LOVE going barefoot!  Unfortunately I live in the Frozen Tundra and barefoot is not always possible.  In that case, I say heels!  If I'm not barefoot, I'm in heels!  You'd be amazed what this girl can do while wearing heels!

7. If you had to choose one natural disaser to go through, what would you choose..Earthquake, Tornado, or Hurricane?
Tornado.  That's easy since I've already been through 2 of them.  Both were small so I'm not sure how I would do in a large one but I'll take tornado over the other two options!

8. Thong, panties, or (gasp) granny panties?
Depends on what I'm doing.  Bikini cut panties on an every day basis.  Thongs for going out or dressing up. 

Thanks for taking an interest in me!  I'm now off to take an interest in you! :)
Hey, don't forget to enter my Maddie Girl Clips giveaway and answer my short, 7 question survey!

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Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

If we're not counting children's books, the most recent one I've read is also a Jodi Picoult-- just finished "The Pact" this afternoon; riveting read! I haven't read "My Sister's Keeper", which seems to be one of her most popular. It's never at the library!

Confessions From A Working Mom

Pennie said...

Wow, I'm impressed - you're a heel girl! I used to be, until I got old - then my FEET got old, and my back - now I can only be a heel girl once in a while. Sigh.

Emily said...

Barefoot...good choice!!!

HD said...

I love me some heels. When I'm barefoot, I'm about an inch taller than hubby--then with heels, even taller. It used to bother me, but I don't even think about it any more. (o:

Helga said...

I love being barefoot, that's how I am at home all the time :o)

Keely said...

I don't think I could eat what Bear eats either..even if I as starving!!

I've never read my Sister's Keeper..and I've read most of Jodi Picoults' books..

Thanks for joining in girl!

Unknown said...

Come on over to my blog I left an award for you

Cindy said...

Totally with you on celebrity gossip. Who cares?!? I think maybe if less people cared, the paparazzi problem wouldn't be so bad!

Ooooh, a heel girl! I'm impressed!

Kris Ann K. Erickson said...

Thanks for visiting me! I would totally give you a couple inches if I could! :-)

drea said...

that .5 is something to not be overlooked! I, too, am proud of my .5. Green Eggs and Ham, that's my sons fave. I read it 2x a day.


Shannon K. said...

Definitely can't leave out the .5!

Hey,'re up tomorrow! On my blog that is with your recipe. Just a reminder.

Amber said...

i love heels. don't wear them as often as I used to but love them all the same. its amazing how they will change a girls attitude!

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