Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Try Something New Tuesdays--Facial Symmetry

Yahoo!  It's the first Tuesday of October and that means it's Try Something New Tuesday!  What is Try Something New Tuesday?  Well, grab your camera or photo editing software and try something new!  Anything new--you don't have to try what I tried (but you can if you want).  Try a new camera setting you've never used, a new subject you've always wanted to photograph, a new texture in photo editing... anything goes as long as you've never tried it before!  The idea is to get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.  Don't worry, you've got till midnight next Tuesday to link up if you don't have time today.
I discovered this super fun Gimp Plug-in for facial symmetry (click on the link to see a really cool example)while searching for editing tricks one day.  Unfortunately, I could not get the plug-in to work for me so last week I did facial symmetry manually on my own.  It took some work but it was definitely worth it to see the results!  Don't look too close though, my blending wasn't the greatest.  The picture in the middle is my real face.  The left is the left side of my face mirrored and the right is the right side mirrored. 
How did I do it?  Simple really:
1)  I used the "free select tool" to select half of my face. 
2)  I then copied and pasted that selection into a new layer.
3)  I flipped it over,
4)  then moved it to cover up the other side of my face.
5)  I anchored that layer,
6)  then blended the edges a little so they weren't so harsh.

Next Tuesday I'll post the facial symmetry pictures of my girls! 

What have you tried this past week?  Link up below!  Or, try something new this week and link up next Tuesday!  Don't forget to grab the button from my button page (link above) and put it in your post!

Try Something New Tuesdays

  1. Jenilee @ The Goodwin Family

    This linky list is now closed.

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1 comment:

Dawn said...

Very cool! I need to do a little more out of my comfort zone.

come check out my post today. It's about some darling camera straps! =)

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