Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cheap Photography Backgrounds

You don't have to have a ton of money or be a professional photographer to get some great, cheap, backgrounds for you photo shoots!  In fact, what you have around the house should do just fine!  Here are some examples of cheap (most of the time FREE!) photography backgrounds.
Of course, there's always the great outdoors!  Both of these were taken in my yard somewhere.  The key to shooting outside is to shoot on a more overcast day.  Contrary to what you might think, bright sunlight is not good because it causes harsh shadows (like in the first picture).  The second was taken on an overcast day.

A baby blanket!  The background in these pictures is simply a baby blanket taped to the wall!

A bed sheet!  These backgrounds are a flat bed sheet taped to the wall!

Both of these were taken close up on a couch!

I've got a few more cheap backgrounds to share but we'll save those for another post :)  My girls are getting into trouble and I must go....

What have you done for a cheap background for your photos?  I'd love to know!

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Unknown said...

I still use my two black king sized sheets for black. They work great! Although seemless paper photographs much better and you can pick some up for $40. A new trend lately is patterned fabrics as a backdrop. May have to try these out!

Hazel Nut said...

The backgrounds that I used for most of my photos in my post with my slide of my baby She Nut are with a double sided baby blanket. My mother and I took turns holding the blanket up around her.

I tried a pile of leaves with E Nut, my second son and it didn't work out at all. Back then I didn't have digital, so I didn't realize it didn't work until I paid for film to be developed.

We used an old family quilt for my first son's announcement pictures...and again that is on my blog in his most recent birthday post.

You probably saw those...but if you didn't, time for a Jamie to take a journey through The Nut House lol.

I like the black background in that last photo. I didn't realize until She Nut was too old for the newborn pictures how great babies look on a black background.

I am taking some pictures of my baby girl in her cloth diaper will have to wait on the back ground for that. I am trying to get more creative with that one.

kj said...

I love to take photos at parks or in front of old rustic buildings (I LOVE going to historic towns!)The best pictures I have ever gotten of my kids have been at parks sitting on rocks, little rock caves/shelves, etc... We have building that someone spray painted "Dream" on and now people are there taking pictures every day with little girls in tutus dancing in front of.

Unknown said...

I love all of your suggestions, and I have done them too! It's amazing how you can make an ordinary space look like a great photo background with just a little planning!

terra said...

Love the simplicity of those easy to find backgrounds for photo's! What a great post!
Also - garages tend to have awesome light - put up one of the bedsheets or blankets if you have 2x4's and plywood showing near the door, and shoot away!
I have even seen some professional headshot photogs in LA that shoot solely in their garage for this reason! (although I am sure a garage in LA is still not a very cheap background...)

Maura said...

We live in the city so brick walls are easy to come by. I also will just use a blank wall in my house or sometimes we find fun murals outside to use.

Robinlynn said...

Great suggestions! Looking forward to photgraphing more with my own little grandsons. I don't live far from a very old historic town. Going out ASAP! Thanks~!

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