Monday, December 28, 2009

The Best Christmas Gift

When my Grandma died unexpectedly last March she left behind some really nice, heirloom jewelry.  One piece was my Great-Grandmother's wedding ring.  I knew that somehow that ring would be passed down to my sister and me but I just didn't know how and when.  My dad slipped a few months ago and let it out of the bag that my Great-Grandmother's ring would be spit up to make earings for me, my sister, and my second cousin, Hope (long story how Hope fits into this).  My dad gave those diamond earings to my sister and me for Christmas.

I was thrilled to open the tiny box and see my Great-Grandmother's diamonds!  I am a HUGE fan of heirlooms.  It isn't at all about the monetary value, it's about the sentimental value.  I began to think of how some day I would pass these diamonds on to my girls.  I was SHOCKED to hear that I didn't need to worry about it.  My Great-Grandmother's wedding ring had one large diamond and TEN of the smaller ones!  My dad made FIVE sets of earings: one for me, one for my sister, one for Hope, and one set for each of my daughters!  I had to hold back the tears when I found out a set of earings were made for my girls!  I had only ever heard about the earings for me, my sister, and Hope so I assumed there were only six diamonds.  My girls' Great-Great Grandmother's wedding ring diamond earings are in a safe deposit box until the girls are old enough to understand what the diamonds are.  I can't wait to some day give those earings to them and to pass on the stories of the people behind them.

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Anonymous said...

What a wonderful gift!

Helga said...

Wow that is an awesome Christmas present!!!

Unknown said...

What fun. Also love the last post about the photoblogs and figuring it all out.

Still working on my new macro 100mm lens... practice make..well, better.

Megan M. said...

Oh that's precious. My grandmother passed in the summer of 2007, and I have a set of pearls for my daughter. Just waiting on her to be old enough!

CM said...

Oh that is so precious! How sweet and thoughtful of your dad. The earings are beautiful.

Hazel Nut said...

That is so beautiful, I got all teary eyed reading it. Your daughters are so lucky, both to have the earrings and to have a mom like you to hold something like that to be so precious.

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