Wednesday, June 30, 2010

4 year old gives 20 mo old first haircut!

"Mommy aren't we pretty?"  Those are the words I heard before I burst into tears...

I was getting ready for work on Monday while the girls played quietly in the play room.  Not unusual for them to be quiet.  It means they are coloring.  At least, that's what it usually means.  This time was different...

"Mommy aren't we pretty?" 
"What?"  I said, not really paying attention.
"Aren't we pretty?"
I turned around and again asked, "what?" as it hadn't quite hit me yet.  Before Nutty could answer again, it hit.  Nutty had cut her and Tottie's hair!!!  Not only had Nutty cut Tottie's hair, Nutty gave Tottie her very first haircut!

This is the best before picture I could find.  After all, I wasn't expecting the girls to get a haircut or for Tottie to have her very first haircut. 
Neither girl has bangs in the before picture...
Now they've got bangs!  (I ended up taking these pictures on Tuesday morning because Hubby had the camera with him and I had to leave for work.) 
I walked into the play room and discovered this pile of hair! 
"OMG Nutty!  What did you do???" 
I burst into tears.  Partly because I was so angry and partly because I was heartbroken that Nutty gave Tottie her first haircut and not me.  I cried, I yelled, I took Nutty's scissors away for life, I yelled some more, I cried some more, I sent Nutty to her room...
After a night to calm down and everyone at work telling me it really is funny, I woke and took the girls to the hair salon to fix what Nutty had done.
Not too bad I guess...
Since this was Tottie's first haircut, I took a bunch of pictures of her.  She was such a big girl and did GREAT!
A little nervous...
Not so bad...
She's cutting the front!...
Such a big girl!
This last picture was taken into the mirror so It's not the greatest but I think it's super cool because you can see Nutty in the background!

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Ashley said...

I get your disappointment, but it is rather funny!! You will always look back on this and laugh! I remember doing the same thing with my cousin who was two years older. We cut each other's bang!

Lindsi B said...

I am right there with ya...I dont know what emotion would take over more
anger or sadness!
But for what its worth...they look adorable!

Unknown said...

I'm in the really funny story camp! they look so grown up though with their new do's! ;)

*Jess* said...

supposedly, its like a right of passage or something :) Its okay, you'll laugh about it later! But I would have been mortified, too!

Anonymous said...

I think I would be disappointed too! I don't have girls but I hang on to cutting my boys hair for soo long! My oldest was 2, and my baby was 3 when I cut his hair for the first time. But I do have a memory of cutting my own hair and my Mom found my scissors lying on top of my hair in my room and I was hiding in the armiore hiding! The girls look cute after their haircuts!! I like your last pic too!! With both girls in the mirror!!

btw found you on BlogFrog!!

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