Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Little Tug-O-War

The guys in our neighborhood participated in a Tug-O-War this weekend for our city's celebration days.
And though the guys tried their hardest...
they still lost miserably.  (Hubby in the grey)  You see, they were only 1 of 2 novice groups in the competition so they had to compete against the "professionals" for a couple of rounds.
I guess there is a Tug-O-War club of America or something like that.  They travel all over the world competing in Tug-O-War contests!
Our neighborhood guys...
vs the professionals...notice the boots.
This is why we lost miserably.  It's all in the boots!  Steel plated so you can dig into the ground and not move.
There you have it...a little lesson in Tug-O-War.
On a side note, I will be doing a lesson in exposure compensation soon because my pictures from this day needed a little work in that area!  A bright background vs a dark foreground makes for a difficult time getting the exposure correct!

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reagan said...

I love the perspective of the feet pushing against the ground. Nice.

And by the way, I had NO idea that there were professional tug-o-warers!

Ashley said...

A professional tuf-of-war group??? Do they actually make a living doing that? Amazing. How does one get into that field. And tug-of-war boots to top it off!! Looks like fun and great shots!! :)

Anonymous said...

fun photos!

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